"Behold... Behold..."

Posted by ntchristians Cork church of Christ on Tuesday, May 10, 2016 In : Blog 

“Behold... Behold...”

 Since Augustine in the fifth century there has been misdirected fascination with the concept of Original Sin, a concept influenced by Augustine’s time as a follower of Manichaeism and afterward neo-Platonism (i.e., Greek philosophies and not Bible teachings). This misdirection finds its full voice in John Calvin in the sixteenth century and in the doctrine of Hereditary Total Depravity. Today, the overwhelming majority of people who consider themselves Christia...

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How we got the New Testament: Part 1

Posted by ntchristians Cork church of Christ on Friday, March 11, 2016

If you have seen The Da Vinci Code movie, or spent any time on the internet you will be aware that modern popular culture promotes as fact the idea that a group of clerics in the fourth century decided what was acceptable and right for Christians to read. This same group of mainstream churchmen, at this meeting organised by the Roman emperor Constantine in 325AD, threw out all that was unacceptable, or dangerous for faith and morals, or what they did not like. And so the conspiracy goes...

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For once the majority is right

Posted by ntchristians Cork church of Christ on Sunday, March 6, 2016

So often for Christians there is a sense of fighting against the current. Increasingly where we live Christians are marginalised and seen as the quirky periphery, those who don’t quite fit in. Immorality is now considered lifestyle, character is seen as formalism, and principle has become intolerance. And to bring up Christ and the gospel is quaint, old-fashioned and easily dismissed.

 And maybe that is why Christians are having such little impact today. We believe what the world is say...

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Progress or Hindrance

Posted by ntchristians Cork church of Christ on Friday, March 4, 2016

In Philippians 1:12 Paul uses a word to describe his experiences in Rome as a prisoner awaiting trial before the emperor. It seems he may have intended a play on words. And because he wrote in Greek, and we read in English, that play on words is lost in translation.

These Christians from Philippi in northern Greece were concerned about Paul’s circumstances and had decided to send him some monetary help and emotional reassurance. They were not a wealthy church, not even by the standards of...

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Is It Really A Free Gift?

Posted by ntchristians Cork church of Christ on Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I was struck today by individuals who asked if the New Testaments I was giving away were really “free.” The sign under the table says, “Free Bible Literature.” The signs either side of the table say, “Free Bible.”

 “So, what’s the catch?” asked one guy.

“You have to be able to read” was my reply, “apart from that, no catch.”

 But is it really free? These three honest enquirers may be on to something. Someone has had to purchase these paperback New Testaments i...

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Expressions of Sanctimonious Piety and Hypocritical Faith

Posted by ntchristians Cork church of Christ on Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Matthew 15:1-11; Mark 7:1-13

“Corban” is not a word you hear often, if at all. It’s a Hebrew word from the Old Testament that means “offering” or “gift” and has to do with things that were offered in sacrifice to God.

By the time Jesus came to talk about the principle of Corban in Palestine in the first century(Matthew 15:1-11; Mark 7:1-13) the word had come to be used not so much of the thing offered (the animal, or other sacrifice). Rather, things were more complica...

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A Prophet has no honour in his hometown.

Posted by ntchristians Cork church of Christ on Sunday, February 21, 2016
Last Thursday night during our bible study on the chronological life of Jesus an interesting point was noted. Christ never returned to his home town of Nazareth after the episode recorded in Matthew 13:53-58
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